Sunday, January 31, 2021


Tomorrow February, we seem to be "stuck" in high piles of snow here. Inside I planted some lemontrees in new pots and try to smile even though I feel the snowpiles are distressing. The minusdegrees are also not exactly what I like, but staying inside reading about what the Church is working with in for example Africa, is an option today. Go to page "Bertels Hus" linked here below for more about that. 

Februari snart, snart, längre dagar, men vi sitter också "fast" i en massa snöhögar.Planterade om några citronträd och försöker hissa upp mungiporna, trots att termometern visar minus 10. 

Länkade till Kyrkans Utlandshjälp / Kirkon Ulkomaan Apu. Se mer Bertels Hus. 

Sidan syns också under profilbilden, i högerkanten på denna bloggsida 

Detta är sista Januaridagen då, år 2021. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Ritprogram och datorjobb

Here I tried to learn a computerprogramme for showing a plan for a small house, but then I could not find out how to save my work, so I just had to keep practising smiling.

Man försöker lära sig något datorprogram, 
men hittar inte spara knappen. 
Men då får man försöka hissa upp 
mungiporna och försöka igen. 
Här letade jag kvadrater och 
rektanglar för att kunna rita på datorn
en plan för ett litet hus.

Sunday, January 24, 2021


I tried to make a book for a birthday, but did not see how or where to click in order to save my work so I could not order the book either. Must practice smiling even so here, here a while. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Practicing smiling

 ...even though we have got more snow here during the night. This is my page for english exercises also. 

I will write about my daily life, as seen from west coast, Finland. It is not a very political or religious approach I intend with this page. 

More like a would want to share language skills and internet links to other students who do not have english as their first language. 

In Finland today many are quite good at speaking swedish, finnish and english. Especially people younger than 40 years. 

We can over internet see many english channels, listen to music and read newspapers. This possibility we have actually had for almost 30 years now: Using the internet. 

So I do not think distance teaching is something we should think of as news since last year.

Many kids are interested in computergames and many kids can write english from around 7 years of age. 

One problem though, can be introduction of new grammar stucture ideas in for example swedish. Some tend to try and use english or finnish grammar rules when speking swedish. 

But of course also this can be changed with more practice. 

Monday, January 18, 2021


 ...but not sunny yet. We have reached January and days are getting longer, but for this week and the next the weather forecast says cloudy, snow and maybe 3-8 minusdegrees. 

I long for springseason, February and March, hope for less snow more sun then.

I amuse myself with selfies in sunglasses this week. and music listening "protection" over my ears. 


  Det ett och annat jag skulle vilja få göra i December, bada bastu till exempel. Här är ännu "bara" Oktober och jag pluggar itali...